Officially Scored as the new #1 World Record Buck
Officially scored to crush the current 727 World Record
The reigning #1 World Record Book Whitetail, scoring 727 SCI was taken 7 years ago at Quest Haven by Arthur Guiterrez Sr. What seemed to be an impossible score to ever surpass has been exceeded!
After seven long years of waiting, the record has been broken not once but twice this 2024 hunting season at Quest Haven by Brian Bailey.
Officially Scored as New #2
Officially scored over the current 727 SCI World Record
"The white tailed deer is America’s number one game animal, so when I decided to embark on a journey to hunt the biggest one in history, I knew this would be a pretty lofty goal. I started with a look through the record books and saw half of the top 10 deer ever harvested came from Quest Haven - including the all time #1 at 727” back in 2016; so I knew the score to beat and a goal was set!
I reached out to the Walk family and began hunting with them every fall in hopes of someday breaking the record. Over the years, we’ve been blessed to get to know the Walk’s like family, and we’ve brought many of our own family and friends to hunt there as well. In 2020, we came very close to breaking the record, with a magnificent deer that fell just slightly short, at 696,” which became the new #2 all time deer.
Then, In 2024, the magic happened! In July, the Walk’s had two extraordinary deer that were growing strong in velvet, pushing lots and lots of inches. We knew they were both monsters and had the potential to possibly break the record….but they were both incredible, and It was hard to tell which would be the biggest!
I arrived for the hunt in August 2024 excited to possibly realize breaking the record finally….and not just once, but twice! Upon getting to the lodge, I was pleasantly surprised to hear that one of the deer had really piled on the inches over the previous 2-3 weeks.
The next few days of hunting were so incredible and may never be duplicated. We were truly blessed to take a couple of the biggest deer that have ever walked the planet. One of the deer was well over 700 inches, and one broke the world record by almost 300 inches as well as the 1,000 inch mark!
I am deeply grateful for the opportunity, the magnificent trophies, and the memories that will last a lifetime.
I give God all the honor and all the glory. Thank you Jesus for blessing me to be able to chase my dreams and have wonderful experiences like this.
For great people, great deer and a great time, I definitely recommend Quest Haven…..the land of giants!"